Photo credit: Sarah J. Newman

Elizabeth Lindsey Rogers is the author of Chord Box (University of Arkansas Press, 2013), finalist for both the Miller Williams Prize and the Lambda Literary Award; The Tilt Torn Away From the Seasons (Acre Books, 2020); and the forthcoming Miss Southeast: Essays (Curbstone/Northwestern University Press, 2024). Her poems appear in POETRY, The Missouri Review, Boston Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, The Bennington Review, FIELD, Guernica, Washington Square Review, Blackbird, The Journal, Crazyhorse, Hayden's Ferry Review, AGNI Online, on Poetry Daily and Verse Daily, and many others. Her creative nonfiction appears in Best American Nonrequired Reading 2017, Best American Travel Writing 2017, The Missouri Review, The Journal, The Rumpus, LitHub, Prairie Schooner, and The Hong Kong Review.

Born and raised in North Carolina, Rogers was educated in the public schools and trained as both a dancer and musician. She received her B.A. from Oberlin College in Creative Writing and Dance in and an M.F.A. in Poetry from Cornell University. She was an Oberlin Shansi Fellow from 2007-2009 at Shanxi Agricutural University (山西农业大学) in Taigu, China, where she taught English and dance. Rogers received the two-year fellowship at The Kenyon Review; she taught at Kenyon College from 2012-2014. Additionally, she has held teaching positions at Cornell University, Tulane University, the Bard Early College New Orleans, George Mason University, Hendrix College, and American University, as well as in community settings. 

She is an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at Oberlin College in Oberlin, Ohio, where she also leads the Writers in the Schools Program (WITS).